Sunday, December 7, 2008

Weekly Warning 12/7/08

Bind your children in straight jackets when shopping in a jam shop.

My mother loves preserves and jams. Every Christmas I mail her a couple of jars from the Stone Mountain Pecan Company down the road from my house. Every year I get threatened with a restraining order because my children accompany me when I buy the jellies.

My mere $19.97 bill triples because Regan decides to open two packages of chocolate covered cherries and Wesley manhandles the pralines. Or they bicker over whether or not Mother prefers the pecan peach butter or the blackberry preserves. This usually ends in a glob of jelly and broken glass on the floor because Regan pushes Wesley into the barrel of fruit cake which causes a domino effect onto the jelly.

Next year Mother is getting flowers.

1 comment:

Lil Knitter said...

Man...can I ever relate to this one. :P
Are you sure those weren't my kids? Sounds like mine. I try to schedule certain trips when I can go while they're still in school. Anytime to avoid the stress!

*can we really get straight jackets for them? :P